BelAmiOnline: Todd, Kevin, Jean-Daniel & Ariel Photo Session

This week’s photo session from BelAmiOnline is one with a unique story. Featuring gay porn models Todd Rosset, Kevin Warhol, Jean-Daniel and Ariel Vanean BelAmi ran a little photo school during their trip to South Africa.  

The photo session classes were for anyone who was interested and a handful of students joined for some lessons from both the guest photographers, Howard and Benno, and these images were taken by Howard during the first day of the classes.

Anyways, since the students were paying guests, the studio had to offer them the cream of the crop when it came to subjects, so they ended up with Kev, JD, Todd, and Ariel. Enjoy the photo gallery below!

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2 Responses

  1. Kushal says:

    Can anyone help me contact with the right porn studio who would help me join the industry…….?

  2. Kushal says:

    How i wish to join the industry and work like those super hot guys having a great romantic time with one other and make a great pleasure moment for us to watch

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