MasonicBoys: Apprentice Waters, Chapter 1: The Interview

In the latest episode from Masonic Boys, we are introduced to a new character, Apprentice Waters, who is about to embark on a life-changing experience under the guidance of Master Kamp. The episode begins with Apprentice Jack Waters picking up a small black fabric bag, which contains a mysterious object that will play a significant role in his initiation.

As he carefully eases the contents out of the bag, he discovers a clear glass or plastic object that is shaped like a penis. The sight of this object immediately fills him with a sense of apprehension and fear, as he instinctively knows that Master Kamp intends to use it on him.

Before proceeding, Master Kamp generously applies a large amount of oil to both the glass object and Apprentice Waters’ penis. This lubrication serves to ease the process and reduce any potential discomfort. As Master Kamp begins to insert his finger into Apprentice Waters, the latter’s body is wracked with shakes, a testament to the intensity of the experience.

Despite his initial fear, Apprentice Jack Waters finds himself slowly opening up to the idea of the glass object being inserted into him. As Master Kamp applies pressure, Apprentice Waters’ hole begins to relax, and the object starts to make its way inside. The pain is palpable, but so is the sense of his muscles gripping the object like a clamp, pulling it deeper within him.

This intense experience is unlike anything Jack Waters has ever felt before, and he remains rock-hard throughout the entire process. Master Kamp then starts to rub Apprentice Waters’ dick with vigor, sending him into a state of absolute ecstasy. The sensation is overwhelming, and Apprentice Waters feels a prickling sensation in his balls that quickly spirals out of control.

As his entire body begins to tingle and heat up, Jack Waters reaches a point of no return. A white liquid shoots out of the tip of his penis, covering Master Kamp’s hand and his own belly. At this moment, he realizes that he has just experienced his first orgasm.

The episode concludes with a message encouraging viewers to watch the full video on to witness Jack Waters’ initiation and the transformative journey he undergoes under the guidance of Master Kamp. This captivating episode is sure to leave viewers eagerly anticipating the next installment in the series.

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